Friday, October 18, 2013

Back at it!

WOW, I didn't realize how long it has been since I last posted on here.  OVER A YEAR, shame on me.  Well I gotta say this past yearish has been crazy!  After the Half Marathon in June I got engaged, started planning the wedding, started a second job, got married just recently.  Now that all that craze is over with I am super excited (here is one of our wedding picture).

Whats next.......let me think about that one.  Alan and I are working on changing our lifestyle. We both have started to eating better in the past few months however we still are drinking tooooooo much pop, and eating lots of processed foods.  We are finishing up the last of the "bad" foods we have in the house, then its to all things that are alive or grow naturally.  As we learn to deal with the changes that our bodies will be doing and getting out and working out with our crazy hours could make for a fun but challenging year at the same time.  Please check back often as I am going to try to blog atleast once a week with updates.

I want to give a shout out to the TEAM IN TRAINING members who are in San Fran right now.  Have a great weekend and GO TEAM!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Recap of the Weekend!

This weekend Teammate Nicole and I were at the Spring Fest at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair Grounds in Chippewa Falls.  We were selling Octopus, Wine Glass Charms, Mini Clipboards, Necklaces, Bracelets, and Glass Marble Magnets.  The weather Friday and Saturday were quite miserable.  We were bundled up with space heaters in our booth. With the weather being so crummy not many people ventured out.  Then today a much better day with the weather, it came with a higher crowd of people but very little purchasing.  I am however greatful for this weekends event as they donated the space to us so every penny that we sold we were able to put 100 percent of it towards our fundraising.  My glass marble magnets certainly had people looking, especially the kids as they were shiny and had really cool pictures.  With that being said we raised 130 dollars and I can't wait for the couple of other events that we have coming up that we can sell our crafts at and get the information about Team In Training out to the people of this area.  If  you are interested in what crafts I do have available please check out my Facebook Page for a current list of items that are I still have.  One event I am super excited for is the night we are partnering with Irie Sol at the MouseTrap Bar in Eau Claire (watch for the event flyer).

Still going on is my May Flowers Virtual 5k!

Please help me reach my goal of 100 MEDALS mailed out! (Currently have 8 signed up)

Walk, run, skip, crawl, shop around the mall, where ever you are, when ever you want until May 14, 2012. BLING included! All finishers will receive a finishers medal as our thank you to you for supporting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Please share with your friends!
To register, click below:
Thank you again to everyone who has been so supportive of me and my journey with Team In Training/lifestyle changes.  Without your support I would not be able to be as successful as I have been.  I love each and every one of you for all you have done!

Monday, April 23, 2012

May Flowers

Walk, run, skip, crawl, shop around the mall, where ever you are, when ever you want until May 14, 2012. BLING included! All finishers will receive a finishers medal as our thank you for supporting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Please share with your friends! Lets make this Virtual 5K great!

  To register, click below:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Where are we at now?

Since the chili cook off and pizza ranch are done what's next?!?!?! Well I am excited to say that we have the 2012 Bowl For A Cure coming up, along with a night with the band IreSol at the MouseTrap bar.  Along with those 2 events we are going to be at Burrachos and Noodles & Co.  I am still selling bracelets along with some necklaces.  For pictures off all upcoming events you can check out my facebook page also I am planning on getting my fundraising tab all caught up on here this week. Thank you to those who came out for the Pizza Ranch Tip Night - it was great.  Special Thank You to Jean McNair and Becky Nelson who helped Team UHC out, you both were a great help!
For my personal life, well its been crazy!  I have not been training like I should nor eating correctly.  After I get caught up with life this week my plan is to get back on track starting next Monday.  I need to get out and train, along with eating correctly.  I am tired of feeling drained and wore out when I shouldn't be. I am going to start over with my 100 day challenge and document my eating habits!  Please check-in and see how I am doing I will be documenting more also for all to see as I need the support!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pizza Ranch TONIGHT!

Please stop by Pizza Ranch Monday April 2nd for dinner!! I will be serving from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm! Pizza Ranch is donating 20% of the sales that evening to me to go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!!! This coupon needs to be printed off and brought with you.

Please share with your friends! The more coupons that come in, the more PR will donate!!!

I hope to see you all out there tonight :)

Also want to say THANK YOU to those of you who donated on my $5.00 challenge.  I was able to raise $202 for the week.  I was not able to raise the $500 goal so no purple highlights and no purple hair for race day:(  Also please watch for some upcoming events that are going to be awesome!

Don't forget you can also find me on Facebook!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

$5.00 Weekend Challenge For The Leukemia &Lymphoma Society

From Friday, March 22, 2012 at 8am and ending on Monday, March 26, 2012 at 8am!

I AM CHALLENGING EACH ONE OF YOU to donate ONLY $5.00 to my fundraising efforts. You can give it to me in person or donate on the donation site (life is so simple)! $5 is a small amount to help out a great cause!

Just think, if you all 700 of you donated JUST $5 for cancer research, I could raise $3500 (exceed the goal I have and be done fundraising)....




Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chippewa Valley Top Chef Chili Cook Off Complete

Wow, the weekend went by fast along with the week.  I can't believe we are done with the Chili Cook Off. We didn't get the turn out which we had hoped and I think that has a lot to do with the weather.  It was 60 degrees out in March.  Who would have thunk!?!?! Even though it was not the best turn out it was still a great and fun event.  I learned a few different things for in the future.  We had celeb judges Sarah Stokes and Chris Herzog join us for the day - Here is the news clip from the night Click Here for Video!  I will be updating my Thank You Page here in the next few days - trying to get caught up with my classes in school (which will be done this week).  Also I am hoping to have the total that we raised shortly.  I am waiting for a couple silent auction items to be paid. 

Currently we have a Virtual 5k going on.  What is a Virtual 5K you ask?  Well its a 5K that you complete at your own time and convenience while still getting the Bling!!  Walk, run, skip, crawl, shop around the mall, where ever you are, when ever you want on from March 11th until March 25, 2012. BLING included! All finishers will receive a finishers medal as our thank you to you for supporting the LLS.

Please share with your friends!

To register, click below:

I can't say THANK YOU enough for all the support that you have given me.  Also I have created a facebook page to go along with this.  I will be posting information on here along with there.  Please "Like" my page!  Have a great night!! LOVE YOU ALL!